Pump Geyser

Pump Geyser

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Day 50: The Source of Power

“Where does power come from?”, Eisenheim asked. New Line Cinemas released a film in 2006 called “The Illusionist”, in which an acclaimed traveling magician prepared for his next illusion before royalty with this question. Are some born to power? Is it an inherent right? Is it a mantle of responsibility? Eisenheim drew the crowned prince’s sword and began to share about Excalibur, a sword set in stone that only Camelot’s true, rightful king could remove.

Here at Lake Powell, three towering smoke stacks from the Navajo Generating Station mark the town of Page. This coal power plant provides electricity to one million homes across Arizona, Nevada, and California. Along with the white smoke drifting from these smokestacks is a rising steam from the plant's cooling stations--water provided by Lake Powell--another power generator, Glen Canyon Dam—one the largest dams in the United States. Despite the majestic simplicity of this 710’ concrete wall, the canyon rim is tangled with miles of power lines from Glen Canyon Dam’s hydroelectric plant. Electricity is the booming industry of Page. People as far away as Los Angeles turn on their living room lights routinely, but how many question the location or reliability of their power source?

Living four miles north of the Glen Canyon Dam as the smokestacks of the Navajo Generating Station can be seen from my dorm room, I am surrounded by images of power. This week has been spent making progress in completing arrangements for our ACMNP Sunday services my summer work with ACMNP begins. This is a new location for this ministry, so I feel very privileged to be stationed here for the summer. There are connections and relationships to make, church service times to finalize, scheduling Bible studies , along with summer studies for my seminary and work. In the midst of getting settled down, it seems there’s no stopping as I transition from moving to Lake Powell to starting my summer activities. The pace is decent, so I am avoiding early burnout, but the question of how I am going to accomplish all my goals this summer looms over me. As I pause to consider this, I look out my dorm room window where three towering smoke stacks loom in the distance, and the water of the lake is a constant reminder of the dam four miles away that makes work at this resort possible.

Even as I am starting at a new location, I am addressing my source of power. Jesus promises abundant life through Him, but do I ever depend more upon my own talents and skills instead of relying upon the gift of the Holy Spirit, God’s Word, and God’s promise to give wisdom to anyone who asks? Do I think power comes from my own ability to make ends meet or trust that God makes all things comes together for good to those who love Him? Or, perhaps more dangerously, am I like someone who uses power correctly but fail to acknowledge where it comes from? Do I remember to thank God for a day in which He gave me strength and guidance for the day?

As I am completing my first month here at Lake Powell, I have to pause and reconnect. God’s Word and the Holy Spirit are my source. Prayer is my powerline. By keeping my relationship with God strong, I can see His power infilling my every move as I prepare to launch this summer's ministry.

This week's photos are available on my Photos of the Week page.
Blessings to you!

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