With my final exam submitted, my schedule has changed dramatically this week. Instead of spending the entirety of my time pouring through books, reading, and responding to discussion posts, I spent time up at Mammoth Hot Springs. Saturday, instead of reading through next week's reading assignments, I enjoyed the morning on Geyser Hill watching Plume and Lion erupt twice each, and then stood near the base of Beehive Geyser as it erupted. In the midst of my afternoon now, I am preparing to join with several from the ministry team to enjoy an evening hike today. This is such a great change!
In the midst of the opportunity to rest, recreate, and finally enjoy Yellowstone, the holiday week has been very busy. It's been tiring as each geyser rush bring crowds that pack the store for the following hour; it is quite exhilarating and pleasant to serve the guests, but the past few days have left me drained by the end of the day. The summer rush has begun.
The team has been trying to cope with the strain of extended work hours this week. It is always a blessing to spend time with them to laugh, pray, and talk together. It's hard to believe that we've already completed five Sunday services, but each week the team continues to grow, and I've been so blessed to listen to their sermons. Please be praying that during this busy season that the team will continue to be filled with God's strength and grace.
Now that I have more time to explore, it was so good to enjoy time away from Old Faithful. What was fascinating about my time at Mammoth Hot Springs was comparing the hot springs to what was there last year. Last year was my first time to see the terraces, but over 75% of the terrace hill has turned to an ash color due to the majority of the hot springs drying up. In the midst of the grey hill, there are several new springs pouring out of the terraces, and several of the newer springs from last year have developed their terraces considerably. While seeing new springs emerging was very encouraging to see, there were numerous hot springs that have dried out since last year. This was hard to see, but seeing the new springs helped.
Have a great week! Enjoy a splendid Independence Day!
Photos of the week are posted, available on the bar on the right.
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