I can't believe this week's post is getting out so late within the week. It has been a long one, and I have been spending these past two days recuperating and resting.
During my days off last week, my friend, Drew, and I got to go camping in the Grand Tetons. This was Drew's first time to see the Tetons, and it was such a great experience. We watched the sunrise at West Thumb Geyser Basin (...or rather Drew watched the sunrise while I photographed it), canoed in Jenny Lake for the morning, and hiked 14.5 miles for the rest of the day up Cascade Canyon to Lake Solitude and back. It was magnificent!
For those who followed my travels last year, I visited Lake Solitude via a different direction as my roommate from Oregon, John, and I camped in Paintbrush Canyon, climbed across the pass and descended to the lake, returning back the way we entered. Now I got to see Cascade Canyon from a different perspective as I walked surrounded by glacier-cut peaks and ridges. Looking up to Paintbrush Pass, I got to see how steep the trail we climbed last year actually was, along with how sharp of slope that trail nestled along.
Unfortunately, that evening and following morning was marked by dark clouds and rain. It was beautiful and calming, but didn't provide any good light for sunset or sunrise photos. By mid-morning though, we had cleared camp and were headed out to Mormon Row, where the famous barns sit against a Teton landscape. After showing Drew Jackson for a few hours, we headed home to Yellowstone.
Ever since that hike, I've been terribly sore from recovering from my hike, but work has been long and busy, leaving me ready to rest each day.
As far as the team went, our team had a difficult period this week as a lot of gossip and rumors were tearing several members down. The team had to spend extra time this week talking through and correcting these rumors and dealing with their effects, but the emotional drain in doing all of this has left the team weary. Gratefully, by the end of our team meeting, the team was already on the mend. I am so grateful that this team has been so victorious this summer in handling so much opposition while remaining steadfast in shining God's light in the midst of it.
So, I've been spending these past two days resting, sleeping longer hours, reading, and walking around. Sorry this post has arrived late this week, but I know you'll understand.
Blessings for your week (or rather weekend by now)!
Photos of the week are posted on the namesake link in the right column.
Pump Geyser

Friday, July 27, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Day 66: Solitude
It has been only a few days since I posted last week's post, so there isn't much to write about.
I didn't explore as much during my days off as I have been these past two weeks. This has been caused by a lot of rain that has squelched several walking endeavors, but also because I got to work on another calligraphy project. In the midst of all this I have been able to spend a lot more time in silence and solitude, enjoying the scent of the rain or sitting for two hours in the midst of a power outage that affected the entire Old Faithful area. It has been remarkably peaceful. I am very grateful for this opportunity to enjoy some down time.
For the team though, it has been a much different story. Several shifts in management has promoted several teammates to new responsibilities within their work and have been requiring them to put in additional work and effort into their week. Sleep and rest has been high on our prayer list. This has caused the team to focus more heavily on team unity and being gracious with each other as we pray for each other and share burdens. I have been particularly grateful for the team support group that has been visiting us occasionally for these past weeks, bringing homemade goodies and treats and filling us with encouragement. In the midst of these transitions, there have been several good changes made for these teammates in their situations, but please pray that the team will have strength in their work and that their new positions will be met with encouragement by these teammates' new managers and co-leaders in management.
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. It is a great blessing to us.
Pictures of the week are posted on the page listed in the right column.
It has been only a few days since I posted last week's post, so there isn't much to write about.
I didn't explore as much during my days off as I have been these past two weeks. This has been caused by a lot of rain that has squelched several walking endeavors, but also because I got to work on another calligraphy project. In the midst of all this I have been able to spend a lot more time in silence and solitude, enjoying the scent of the rain or sitting for two hours in the midst of a power outage that affected the entire Old Faithful area. It has been remarkably peaceful. I am very grateful for this opportunity to enjoy some down time.
For the team though, it has been a much different story. Several shifts in management has promoted several teammates to new responsibilities within their work and have been requiring them to put in additional work and effort into their week. Sleep and rest has been high on our prayer list. This has caused the team to focus more heavily on team unity and being gracious with each other as we pray for each other and share burdens. I have been particularly grateful for the team support group that has been visiting us occasionally for these past weeks, bringing homemade goodies and treats and filling us with encouragement. In the midst of these transitions, there have been several good changes made for these teammates in their situations, but please pray that the team will have strength in their work and that their new positions will be met with encouragement by these teammates' new managers and co-leaders in management.
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. It is a great blessing to us.
Pictures of the week are posted on the page listed in the right column.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
I got to preach last Sunday at the Old Faithful Inn. A link to my latest sermon is available through the "Summer Sermons" page found on the right bar. This was a special message for me because my Campus Pastor from Northwest Christian University got to attend. I was so tickled that both he and his wife got to attend.
Day 61: Outdoors Again!
With the last pages of my last book of my last semester completed, I have only a final entry to submit on Monday. My summer classes will be complete! This has made for a really fulfilling week as I've been able to review my first year in seminary with great fondness, recognizing the amount of work that has been done along with the great classmates and professors I've been able to interact with online and in person for over nine months now. I am very grateful for the experience of being in graduate studies, but am now ready for six weeks of break before fall semester begins.
Celebrations have been increasing throughout the week...the Fourth of July was celebrated in West Yellowstone, with exploration time in the Lamar Valley and Fountain Paint Pots during my days off. What a great way to start off my summer break. While in the Lamar Valley, my friend, Drew, and I hiked to Trout Lake; I had been told the cutthroat trout were spawning, so we went to explore. While there, along with all the fish swimming the nearby streams was a family of otters--one mother and her two pups. The mother had just caught a trout and was feeding her pups when we arrived. I had never seen wild otters, so this was an even more spectacular experience for me!
Along with explorations outside the Old Faithful area, I've also been able to spend a lot more time out amidst the geysers before and after work. On one my free evenings, I watched Beehive Geyser erupt again. This time, instead of still air allowing for a tall eruption, the wind carried the spray of Beehive across the boardwalk. I got entirely soaked! It was completely worthwhile though because the evening sun cast a double-rainbow across the entire breadth of the steam. This wouldn't be the only time I would get wet during an eruption...a few days later, I stood out in the midst of an evening rainstorm as the linger light of sunset illuminated an Old Faithful eruption. WOW! Of all the times I have seen Old Faithful erupt, this has got to be, by far, the most beautiful and spectacular sunset eruption I have ever witnessed thus far!
The final part that I am really enjoying about the start of summer break has been the amount of time I've been able to spend with friends now. I made a friend, Drew, from Mammoth Hot Springs who is a Yellowstone ranger/security officer. We've been getting in a couple of hikes together, which have been great experiences...since the ministry team has Sunday and Mondays off, it's harder to spend time with them. I am disappointed in not being able to spend more leisure time with the team; however, after work, one of my ministry teammates, Hannah, invited me to go swimming in the Firehole River, which turned out to be a great way to relax after a hectic day of work.
The team has been working really hard at work lately all around. Several of my teammates were promoted last week due to several management people stepping out, and so my teammates are now having to work to fill these spaces while learning how to work in management positions. This has demanded extended hours daily for them, and other teammates are getting called in during their days off. As a team, we've been been focusing on depending upon God's strength and keeping grace amongst us. I am blown away constantly at how they radiate God's love in the midst of their work challenges.
Now that Independence Day is finished in the park, things won't be as busy for the rest of the summer. After the Fourth-of-July peak, we'll plateau and slowly slow down. I am grateful for God's strength in the midst of the work, but am also grateful for the rest He has been giving along the way.
Enjoy your week ahead! Blessings to you!
With the last pages of my last book of my last semester completed, I have only a final entry to submit on Monday. My summer classes will be complete! This has made for a really fulfilling week as I've been able to review my first year in seminary with great fondness, recognizing the amount of work that has been done along with the great classmates and professors I've been able to interact with online and in person for over nine months now. I am very grateful for the experience of being in graduate studies, but am now ready for six weeks of break before fall semester begins.
Celebrations have been increasing throughout the week...the Fourth of July was celebrated in West Yellowstone, with exploration time in the Lamar Valley and Fountain Paint Pots during my days off. What a great way to start off my summer break. While in the Lamar Valley, my friend, Drew, and I hiked to Trout Lake; I had been told the cutthroat trout were spawning, so we went to explore. While there, along with all the fish swimming the nearby streams was a family of otters--one mother and her two pups. The mother had just caught a trout and was feeding her pups when we arrived. I had never seen wild otters, so this was an even more spectacular experience for me!
Along with explorations outside the Old Faithful area, I've also been able to spend a lot more time out amidst the geysers before and after work. On one my free evenings, I watched Beehive Geyser erupt again. This time, instead of still air allowing for a tall eruption, the wind carried the spray of Beehive across the boardwalk. I got entirely soaked! It was completely worthwhile though because the evening sun cast a double-rainbow across the entire breadth of the steam. This wouldn't be the only time I would get wet during an eruption...a few days later, I stood out in the midst of an evening rainstorm as the linger light of sunset illuminated an Old Faithful eruption. WOW! Of all the times I have seen Old Faithful erupt, this has got to be, by far, the most beautiful and spectacular sunset eruption I have ever witnessed thus far!
The final part that I am really enjoying about the start of summer break has been the amount of time I've been able to spend with friends now. I made a friend, Drew, from Mammoth Hot Springs who is a Yellowstone ranger/security officer. We've been getting in a couple of hikes together, which have been great experiences...since the ministry team has Sunday and Mondays off, it's harder to spend time with them. I am disappointed in not being able to spend more leisure time with the team; however, after work, one of my ministry teammates, Hannah, invited me to go swimming in the Firehole River, which turned out to be a great way to relax after a hectic day of work.
The team has been working really hard at work lately all around. Several of my teammates were promoted last week due to several management people stepping out, and so my teammates are now having to work to fill these spaces while learning how to work in management positions. This has demanded extended hours daily for them, and other teammates are getting called in during their days off. As a team, we've been been focusing on depending upon God's strength and keeping grace amongst us. I am blown away constantly at how they radiate God's love in the midst of their work challenges.
Now that Independence Day is finished in the park, things won't be as busy for the rest of the summer. After the Fourth-of-July peak, we'll plateau and slowly slow down. I am grateful for God's strength in the midst of the work, but am also grateful for the rest He has been giving along the way.
Enjoy your week ahead! Blessings to you!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Day 52: Transitions, Challenges, and Exploration
With my final exam submitted, my schedule has changed dramatically this week. Instead of spending the entirety of my time pouring through books, reading, and responding to discussion posts, I spent time up at Mammoth Hot Springs. Saturday, instead of reading through next week's reading assignments, I enjoyed the morning on Geyser Hill watching Plume and Lion erupt twice each, and then stood near the base of Beehive Geyser as it erupted. In the midst of my afternoon now, I am preparing to join with several from the ministry team to enjoy an evening hike today. This is such a great change!
In the midst of the opportunity to rest, recreate, and finally enjoy Yellowstone, the holiday week has been very busy. It's been tiring as each geyser rush bring crowds that pack the store for the following hour; it is quite exhilarating and pleasant to serve the guests, but the past few days have left me drained by the end of the day. The summer rush has begun.
The team has been trying to cope with the strain of extended work hours this week. It is always a blessing to spend time with them to laugh, pray, and talk together. It's hard to believe that we've already completed five Sunday services, but each week the team continues to grow, and I've been so blessed to listen to their sermons. Please be praying that during this busy season that the team will continue to be filled with God's strength and grace.
Now that I have more time to explore, it was so good to enjoy time away from Old Faithful. What was fascinating about my time at Mammoth Hot Springs was comparing the hot springs to what was there last year. Last year was my first time to see the terraces, but over 75% of the terrace hill has turned to an ash color due to the majority of the hot springs drying up. In the midst of the grey hill, there are several new springs pouring out of the terraces, and several of the newer springs from last year have developed their terraces considerably. While seeing new springs emerging was very encouraging to see, there were numerous hot springs that have dried out since last year. This was hard to see, but seeing the new springs helped.
Have a great week! Enjoy a splendid Independence Day!
Photos of the week are posted, available on the bar on the right.
With my final exam submitted, my schedule has changed dramatically this week. Instead of spending the entirety of my time pouring through books, reading, and responding to discussion posts, I spent time up at Mammoth Hot Springs. Saturday, instead of reading through next week's reading assignments, I enjoyed the morning on Geyser Hill watching Plume and Lion erupt twice each, and then stood near the base of Beehive Geyser as it erupted. In the midst of my afternoon now, I am preparing to join with several from the ministry team to enjoy an evening hike today. This is such a great change!
In the midst of the opportunity to rest, recreate, and finally enjoy Yellowstone, the holiday week has been very busy. It's been tiring as each geyser rush bring crowds that pack the store for the following hour; it is quite exhilarating and pleasant to serve the guests, but the past few days have left me drained by the end of the day. The summer rush has begun.
The team has been trying to cope with the strain of extended work hours this week. It is always a blessing to spend time with them to laugh, pray, and talk together. It's hard to believe that we've already completed five Sunday services, but each week the team continues to grow, and I've been so blessed to listen to their sermons. Please be praying that during this busy season that the team will continue to be filled with God's strength and grace.
Now that I have more time to explore, it was so good to enjoy time away from Old Faithful. What was fascinating about my time at Mammoth Hot Springs was comparing the hot springs to what was there last year. Last year was my first time to see the terraces, but over 75% of the terrace hill has turned to an ash color due to the majority of the hot springs drying up. In the midst of the grey hill, there are several new springs pouring out of the terraces, and several of the newer springs from last year have developed their terraces considerably. While seeing new springs emerging was very encouraging to see, there were numerous hot springs that have dried out since last year. This was hard to see, but seeing the new springs helped.
Have a great week! Enjoy a splendid Independence Day!
Photos of the week are posted, available on the bar on the right.
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