Pump Geyser

Pump Geyser

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 47: Making New Friends


This is my final week of schoolwork! I've been busy getting my final book reviews and exams done, but beginning Saturday, I'll begin my summer break and get to start exploring Yellowstone instead of heading straight for my study books. I am very excited for this, not merely for the chance to take a school break, but because I've been wanting to spend time hiking with my ministry teammates and hanging out with my coworkers. This will be a great opportunity to start sharing the summer rather than watching from the sidelines.

In the midst of schoolwork I've been sure to take occasional breaks in order to spend time with friends, but it'll be nice to enjoy more extended periods together. Tuesday night was one of those incidents when I was just returning to the dorm after walking the boardwalks while reading my homework when I came across a group of my coworkers as they were about to head towards Morning Glory Pool. I turned around and headed back for another 3-mile walk and spent the time visiting with everyone.

We had a new crew of workers arrive this week. They are all from Taiwan. I am beginning to learn everyone's names, but I am very excited to have time available again to take them on trips outside the Old Faithful area so they can see the park and do activities together like canoeing and shopping. Last year, one of my most favorite memories is joining all the Taiwanese in the laundry room singing a cappella...it was the nearest I've ever been to having a Karaoke night. I've already submitted a proposal to host two astronomy tours this summer; we'll see if they are approved; people are also asking if I will be teaching ballroom dancing as well, but I'm unsure if that will happen this summer.

Services were fantastic this week! Having been gone for my brother's wedding, it was really nice to be back. This was one of the first weeks we had good, warm weather. A few weeks ago, we led the services in freezing wind and a little bit of wet snow. The bison are still roaming around the Madison River Valley, making this an astonishing display of God's creation as we lead the services from the nearby amphitheater.

Gotta get back to my schoolwork. Final exam is due tomorrow.
I hope you have a great week!

Photos of the week are posted on the bar to the right.

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