Pump Geyser

Thursday, June 28, 2012
Anatomy of a Christian
The link to my latest sermon, "Anatomy of a Christian" has been added to my summer sermon page. You can access it on the bar to the right.
Day 47: Making New Friends
This is my final week of schoolwork! I've been busy getting my final book reviews and exams done, but beginning Saturday, I'll begin my summer break and get to start exploring Yellowstone instead of heading straight for my study books. I am very excited for this, not merely for the chance to take a school break, but because I've been wanting to spend time hiking with my ministry teammates and hanging out with my coworkers. This will be a great opportunity to start sharing the summer rather than watching from the sidelines.
In the midst of schoolwork I've been sure to take occasional breaks in order to spend time with friends, but it'll be nice to enjoy more extended periods together. Tuesday night was one of those incidents when I was just returning to the dorm after walking the boardwalks while reading my homework when I came across a group of my coworkers as they were about to head towards Morning Glory Pool. I turned around and headed back for another 3-mile walk and spent the time visiting with everyone.
We had a new crew of workers arrive this week. They are all from Taiwan. I am beginning to learn everyone's names, but I am very excited to have time available again to take them on trips outside the Old Faithful area so they can see the park and do activities together like canoeing and shopping. Last year, one of my most favorite memories is joining all the Taiwanese in the laundry room singing a cappella...it was the nearest I've ever been to having a Karaoke night. I've already submitted a proposal to host two astronomy tours this summer; we'll see if they are approved; people are also asking if I will be teaching ballroom dancing as well, but I'm unsure if that will happen this summer.
Services were fantastic this week! Having been gone for my brother's wedding, it was really nice to be back. This was one of the first weeks we had good, warm weather. A few weeks ago, we led the services in freezing wind and a little bit of wet snow. The bison are still roaming around the Madison River Valley, making this an astonishing display of God's creation as we lead the services from the nearby amphitheater.
Gotta get back to my schoolwork. Final exam is due tomorrow.
I hope you have a great week!
Photos of the week are posted on the bar to the right.
This is my final week of schoolwork! I've been busy getting my final book reviews and exams done, but beginning Saturday, I'll begin my summer break and get to start exploring Yellowstone instead of heading straight for my study books. I am very excited for this, not merely for the chance to take a school break, but because I've been wanting to spend time hiking with my ministry teammates and hanging out with my coworkers. This will be a great opportunity to start sharing the summer rather than watching from the sidelines.
In the midst of schoolwork I've been sure to take occasional breaks in order to spend time with friends, but it'll be nice to enjoy more extended periods together. Tuesday night was one of those incidents when I was just returning to the dorm after walking the boardwalks while reading my homework when I came across a group of my coworkers as they were about to head towards Morning Glory Pool. I turned around and headed back for another 3-mile walk and spent the time visiting with everyone.
We had a new crew of workers arrive this week. They are all from Taiwan. I am beginning to learn everyone's names, but I am very excited to have time available again to take them on trips outside the Old Faithful area so they can see the park and do activities together like canoeing and shopping. Last year, one of my most favorite memories is joining all the Taiwanese in the laundry room singing a cappella...it was the nearest I've ever been to having a Karaoke night. I've already submitted a proposal to host two astronomy tours this summer; we'll see if they are approved; people are also asking if I will be teaching ballroom dancing as well, but I'm unsure if that will happen this summer.
Services were fantastic this week! Having been gone for my brother's wedding, it was really nice to be back. This was one of the first weeks we had good, warm weather. A few weeks ago, we led the services in freezing wind and a little bit of wet snow. The bison are still roaming around the Madison River Valley, making this an astonishing display of God's creation as we lead the services from the nearby amphitheater.
Gotta get back to my schoolwork. Final exam is due tomorrow.
I hope you have a great week!
Photos of the week are posted on the bar to the right.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Day 40: Summer Solstice
This week has been maniac. I am finally getting caught up on all my errands.
What an incredible week! On Thursday, I parked my car in Bozeman, MT and caught a flight home to Portland. My brother, Isaiah, married Hannah (now the newest member of the Bower family) on Saturday. Such a beautiful wedding! As I was a groomsman, I barely got any photos, so I'm sorry I won't be sharing any on my blog this week.
Outside of the wedding, this weekend was a major family reunion as family members flew in for this special occasion. I got to see family I hadn't seen in four years, and that was such a special treat. It meant so much to me to be able to spend time with my nieces and nephews again as well as spend some extended time with my sister, Melody.
The maniac part of all this was getting homework done in the midst of family reunions and the wedding. I am so grateful I was able to keep up, and that the flight time gave me reading space. Less than two more weeks until the major section of my summer courses conclude and I get to spend a lot more extended time out exploring.
Well, today's my day off, so I'm running out to enjoy the sun. Have a great week!
This week has been maniac. I am finally getting caught up on all my errands.
What an incredible week! On Thursday, I parked my car in Bozeman, MT and caught a flight home to Portland. My brother, Isaiah, married Hannah (now the newest member of the Bower family) on Saturday. Such a beautiful wedding! As I was a groomsman, I barely got any photos, so I'm sorry I won't be sharing any on my blog this week.
Outside of the wedding, this weekend was a major family reunion as family members flew in for this special occasion. I got to see family I hadn't seen in four years, and that was such a special treat. It meant so much to me to be able to spend time with my nieces and nephews again as well as spend some extended time with my sister, Melody.
The maniac part of all this was getting homework done in the midst of family reunions and the wedding. I am so grateful I was able to keep up, and that the flight time gave me reading space. Less than two more weeks until the major section of my summer courses conclude and I get to spend a lot more extended time out exploring.
Well, today's my day off, so I'm running out to enjoy the sun. Have a great week!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Source of Life
For those following my summer sermons, I have posted a link to my latest sermon, entitled "The Source of Life" on the "Summer Sermons" page on the right-side bar.
Day 31: Exploring New Places
This week has been good; I'm getting ahead enough in my schoolwork that I am getting more flexibility with my days. I have only been around my coworkers for a little over three weeks, but we already have a running joke going when I'm getting off work that they are "curious" about how I will spend my evening. I am excited for July when my studies finish and I can have a lot more free time to spend with all of them. There are some amazing people working here at Old Faithful this year. I have been making sure to set aside my meal times so we can spend time together without interruption, which has helped, but I look forward to when there will be more time.
The ministry team did very well this week. I am so proud of this team! In the midst of their work schedules, they have already packed in some lengthy hikes and have been exploring around Yellowstone (two of them have already gone backcountry camping...it rained profusely that night too). Too often, when one works in places such as these, the temptation to resort to one's dorm for the rest of the evening is very strong. The team here has been vibrant in getting out and enjoying themselves. In the midst of it, they have been befriending a lot of people who have been attending the church services to listen to them speak. It's been great to see the team reach out to so many people. Because my company hires a lot of retirees, I've been talking with many of my fellow employees who have been wanting to find a church for the summer. There is a strong Christian community here at the store, and I am overjoyed in their love for Christ.
During my days off I got to do...you guessed it: homework. During my reading though, I walked to two places I had never explored before. One was the Black Sand Basin, and the other was Biscuit Basin. Even though these two basins are within two miles of the Old Faithful Basin, I spent the entirety of last summer exploring only the Old Faithful Basin and elsewhere in the park. I was highly impressed with Black Sand Basin, as there are multiple pools that reflect the clearest bright blue one's ever seen. One my way to Biscuit Basin, several people were waiting for Artemesia Geyser to erupt. As the geyser's indicators weren't too active, I figured I would have time to explore Biscuit Basin and return for its eruption. While I was at the basin though, I looked to the ridge and saw that Artemesia erupted. I missed it. Hopefully I'll be able to return soon to watch it erupt.
Blessings to your week ahead! Have a wonderful day!
Photos are posted in "This Week's Photos" on the right-side bar.
This week has been good; I'm getting ahead enough in my schoolwork that I am getting more flexibility with my days. I have only been around my coworkers for a little over three weeks, but we already have a running joke going when I'm getting off work that they are "curious" about how I will spend my evening. I am excited for July when my studies finish and I can have a lot more free time to spend with all of them. There are some amazing people working here at Old Faithful this year. I have been making sure to set aside my meal times so we can spend time together without interruption, which has helped, but I look forward to when there will be more time.
The ministry team did very well this week. I am so proud of this team! In the midst of their work schedules, they have already packed in some lengthy hikes and have been exploring around Yellowstone (two of them have already gone backcountry camping...it rained profusely that night too). Too often, when one works in places such as these, the temptation to resort to one's dorm for the rest of the evening is very strong. The team here has been vibrant in getting out and enjoying themselves. In the midst of it, they have been befriending a lot of people who have been attending the church services to listen to them speak. It's been great to see the team reach out to so many people. Because my company hires a lot of retirees, I've been talking with many of my fellow employees who have been wanting to find a church for the summer. There is a strong Christian community here at the store, and I am overjoyed in their love for Christ.
During my days off I got to do...you guessed it: homework. During my reading though, I walked to two places I had never explored before. One was the Black Sand Basin, and the other was Biscuit Basin. Even though these two basins are within two miles of the Old Faithful Basin, I spent the entirety of last summer exploring only the Old Faithful Basin and elsewhere in the park. I was highly impressed with Black Sand Basin, as there are multiple pools that reflect the clearest bright blue one's ever seen. One my way to Biscuit Basin, several people were waiting for Artemesia Geyser to erupt. As the geyser's indicators weren't too active, I figured I would have time to explore Biscuit Basin and return for its eruption. While I was at the basin though, I looked to the ridge and saw that Artemesia erupted. I missed it. Hopefully I'll be able to return soon to watch it erupt.
Blessings to your week ahead! Have a wonderful day!
Photos are posted in "This Week's Photos" on the right-side bar.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Words of Life
My first sermon, preached last Sunday, is now available. The link is posted in the right column in "Summer Sermons".
Day 24: Starting Summer Ministries
This has been a busy week filled with a lot of adjustments.
The snow quickly melted after enjoying my snow day, and with the sunshine crowds are bustling at Old Faithful, launching the summer season with great excitement and busyness. My work as a floor supervisor has been such a joy to me because it involves so many elements of work I did last year, such as help out my fellow cashiers and show them helpful ways to reduce computer work while checking out and interacting with customers, but this year I have a lot more flexibility as these elements are integrated into this job. I am greatly enjoying those who are working at the Upper Old Faithful General Store--it's a really great crew this year and I am excited for the new employees that will arrive next Monday.
While floor supervising is going really well, my week as a team leader was a bit strained. Most of it was due to the last-minute details of getting the team prepared for Sunday services, especially when our schedules were difficult to coordinate for team meetings. This is typical for the early season as people are still arriving, but I am very grateful to the team; they all pitched in and we had a great launch to our Sunday services. The other challenge in the midst of this has been my work schedule. Because I was the final floor supervisor to arrive at Old Faithful, I was given the final choice of days off. Instead of having Sunday and Mondays off like the rest of the team, I have Thursdays and Fridays. My manager was very gracious and helpful to make sure that I get Sunday mornings off to do the services, but it doesn't look like I'll be able to help out with Sunday evening services. This puts a bit of strain on the team as they have to make up for my absence Sunday nights; I am praying that in the midst of the team's graciousness to me that God will equip them with the ability to lead as a smaller group. A big blessing that has come about in the midst of this is that Tim, one of the team members, has volunteered to help co-lead with me to help guide the team when I cannot be around. Tim is a recent graduate from Northwest Nazarene College in Nampa, Idaho. It's so good to have him here; he is such a blessing.
All of this has left the rest of my time to homework; fortunately, I'm getting ahead which helps. When I was still in my undergraduate studies, I learned how to read and walk. I have a tendency to fall asleep when I sit down to read, and those days I generally don't get very much outdoor exposure. With walking and reading simultaneously, I am able to complete my reading without drifting off, get some exercise as I walk the boardwalks of the Upper Geyser Basin (already this week I have walked over 7 miles!), and get to spend time in the park even though my time is devoted to studies.
Please be in prayer this week for the team as we are still bonding and learning to work together, especially as Tim and I learn how to lead mutually. Your prayers are so greatly appreciated.
Photos are posted in the right column under "Photos of the Week". Blessings!
This has been a busy week filled with a lot of adjustments.
The snow quickly melted after enjoying my snow day, and with the sunshine crowds are bustling at Old Faithful, launching the summer season with great excitement and busyness. My work as a floor supervisor has been such a joy to me because it involves so many elements of work I did last year, such as help out my fellow cashiers and show them helpful ways to reduce computer work while checking out and interacting with customers, but this year I have a lot more flexibility as these elements are integrated into this job. I am greatly enjoying those who are working at the Upper Old Faithful General Store--it's a really great crew this year and I am excited for the new employees that will arrive next Monday.
While floor supervising is going really well, my week as a team leader was a bit strained. Most of it was due to the last-minute details of getting the team prepared for Sunday services, especially when our schedules were difficult to coordinate for team meetings. This is typical for the early season as people are still arriving, but I am very grateful to the team; they all pitched in and we had a great launch to our Sunday services. The other challenge in the midst of this has been my work schedule. Because I was the final floor supervisor to arrive at Old Faithful, I was given the final choice of days off. Instead of having Sunday and Mondays off like the rest of the team, I have Thursdays and Fridays. My manager was very gracious and helpful to make sure that I get Sunday mornings off to do the services, but it doesn't look like I'll be able to help out with Sunday evening services. This puts a bit of strain on the team as they have to make up for my absence Sunday nights; I am praying that in the midst of the team's graciousness to me that God will equip them with the ability to lead as a smaller group. A big blessing that has come about in the midst of this is that Tim, one of the team members, has volunteered to help co-lead with me to help guide the team when I cannot be around. Tim is a recent graduate from Northwest Nazarene College in Nampa, Idaho. It's so good to have him here; he is such a blessing.
All of this has left the rest of my time to homework; fortunately, I'm getting ahead which helps. When I was still in my undergraduate studies, I learned how to read and walk. I have a tendency to fall asleep when I sit down to read, and those days I generally don't get very much outdoor exposure. With walking and reading simultaneously, I am able to complete my reading without drifting off, get some exercise as I walk the boardwalks of the Upper Geyser Basin (already this week I have walked over 7 miles!), and get to spend time in the park even though my time is devoted to studies.
Please be in prayer this week for the team as we are still bonding and learning to work together, especially as Tim and I learn how to lead mutually. Your prayers are so greatly appreciated.
Photos are posted in the right column under "Photos of the Week". Blessings!
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